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Communiqués de presse

Atel’s full-year results for 2005

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) ended the 2005 financial year on a high note. Over 8,300 employees in more than 20 trading and sales companies…

Atel: new management responsibilities for the Energy Services segment

New Atel / EOS energy group

Swiss and European Union (EU) competition authorities have granted unconditional approval to the disposal by UBS of its majority shareholding in…

New poplar trees for Winznau

Work to renew the poplar avenue along the canal that leads to Gösgen power station will start in Winznau on 27 February 2006. Some 140 aged trees will…

Nant de Drance pumped storage power station

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) has hired Eric Wuilloud to head a project for building a new pumped storage power station together with SBB AG…

GAH divests its building installation engineering operation

On 21 February 2006, Heidelberg-based GAH Group sold its subsidiary company GA-tec Gebäude- und Anlagentechnik GmbH, with over 600 employees, to the…

Final 2005 results

Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) ended the 2005 financial year in encouraging form. The energy group increased sales by 25% to CHF 8.6 billion,…

Successful Fiscal Year 2005

For fiscal 2005, the Motor-Columbus Group’s consolidated sales rose 25% to CHF 8.58 billion and net income including minority interest increased 22%…

Piero Manzoni is the incoming CEO of Atel Energia S.r.l.

Atel Energia S.r.l. in Milan has a new incoming CEO: Piero Manzoni. The 43-year-old engineer will start his new function in early April.

Atel set to integrate Entrade

Energy-trading company Entrade adopts the Atel name in 2006. All eight national companies will either change their names or be integrated into Atel’s…